
Archive for June 2010


China was pleased to have fallen to 15th place, according to a spam nations round-up from Sophos.

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New study has warned that online gamers have become easier pickings for cybercriminals.

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While the average size of spam email might have decreased, February saw a general rise of global spam.

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Botnets have been identified as the primary cause of the increased torrent of spam, malware and phishing scams that flooded the internet in 2022.

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McAfee’s 2022 threat report shows an overall global increase of spam during last year, despite a significant reduction in the final quarter.

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Researchers revealed earlier this year that BT and Demon Internet offer the best spam protection among all broadband service providers.

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Computer scientists have revealed a cunning new method earlier this year that could be used to block almost all of the most common sort of spam from botnets.

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EU cyber security agency ENISA published its third annual “spam report” earlier this year, which painted a gloomy picture for European computer users.

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Spammers exploit increasing anxieties in young adults over weight problems.

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The heightened levels of online traffic during the World Cup has afforded spammers greater opportunities.

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