
Archive for February 2005



Spamfo gets a makeover

Spamfo has been increasing in popularity every month and we now seeing good traffic from a range of resources from links to aggregator sources and RSS inclusions. We were well overdue for a makeover so here it is finally!

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In a press release from Gartner (March 2004) it was predicted that of approximately 40 vendors offering enterprise spam products and services, that fewer than 10 would be operating by the end of 2004

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Internet security is reaching critical levels and American businesses and agencies are beginning to look to the U.S. government for answers. 

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The rise of Spim

Last year we reported of the future for spam, the movement to using Instant Messenger networks to spread junk mail - dubbed as "spim". Swiftly followed by the first arrest in the USA.

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Chavs in their bling bling jewellery and designer labels have caused an increase in spam emails offering luxury brands, it is claimed.

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We’ve seen the offering from Lycos, makelovenotspam which is no longer available, and the more recent software aimed at 419ers entitled the mugu marauder.  So what next, Spampires want you to pay to download software which has the same intention as the previous two.

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It seems like a long time since Internet explorer has had an overhaul, five years infact.  Speaking at the annual RSA Conference Bill gates announced Microsoft now plans to push out IE 7 by July or August this year.

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Last year spammers started publishing their own SPF records to help themselves appear more legit and to increase chances of bypassing any existing filters.  According to the recent statistics by MX logic, 13% percent of spam had published SPF or sender ID records.

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A consortium representing industry and academia today announced the results of the first empirical global study on mobile spam.  The study indicates that more than 8 in 10 mobile phone users surveyed have received unsolicited messages and are more likely to change their operator than their mobile number to fight the problem.

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Here is an interesting scenario: Someone somehow manages to get your credit card number (of course you would never fall for a phisher’s bait… your virus, spyware and firewall software are all up-to-date…

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