
Archive for July 2005



London underground spam hoax

Transport for London have issued a statement about a spam email going around, which stupidly suggests that by dialling 112 instead of 999 you will get through to emergency services, even when there is no signal!

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It’s because — according to a recent survey — 11% of people buy products and services from spam emails!

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CA aquires Qurb

Computer Associates today announced the acquisition of Qurb, Inc., a privately held provider of email security software, in an all-cash transaction.

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Mosnews reports that a prolific Russian spammer has been found dead after suffering repeated blows to the head.

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FTC Cracks down on porn Spam

In a crackdown on operations that illegally expose unwitting consumers to graphic sexual content, the Federal Trade Commission has charged seven companies with violating federal laws requiring warning labels on e-mail that contains sexually-explicit content.

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Australians To Dob In Spammers

Millions of Australian internet users will soon be able to turn-in spammers with the help of software designed to identify the culprits.

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MessageLabs has intercepted copies of an email posing as a video news clip of yesterday’s terrorist attack in London which instead contains a Trojan designed to compromise the recipient’s computer. The email containing this Trojan has been crafted to appear as a CNN Newsletter which asks recipients to ‘See attachments for unique amateur video shots’.

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China, the second biggest source of unsolicited emails, has today committed to UK/US-led international efforts to combat spam.

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